10/14/11 5:06 pm > Excellent study of the Word of God so far in Genesis chapter 1. The Lord has truly blessed me with great resources, which came from the Holy Spirit, Who worked with those who put the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary together. From this, I learned that Heaven is a curtain that separates us from God's dwelling place. How amazing is this?! The Lord also allows the sea how far it can go. Such an amazing study.
"Then, saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve," Matthew 4:10. In this temptation, Satan tries to get Jesus to bow down & worship him, by offering Jesus "all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them" (Matthew 4:8b). "Jesus' response to the devil (Deuteronomy 6:13) emphasized the close relationship between worship and service while Israel had a tendency to chose false gods (Deuteronomy 6:10-15), Jesus maintained total allegiance to God" (Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary). "Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and serve Him, and shalt swear by his name", Deuteronomy 6:13. The 1st Commandment tells us to "Have no other gods before me [God]" (Exodus 20:3). The 2nd Commandment makes it known that we should not make any graven image (Exodus 20:4). Jesus made it clear that we are to serve Him (God), worship only God. We are to also serve & fear God. People want to idolize everything. They want to serve themselves. Serving yourself is unchristian. Jesus was not self serving. His allegiance was also clear: He kept 100% allegiance to God. That's the way we should be. We need to be faithful & totally committed to God , worshiping Him & only Him. He was the One that parted the Red Sea for His people. He is the One that created each & everyone of us, & He is the One that has been long suffering, not wanting anyone to perish, but to come to repentance. God loved us first. God has always remained faithful to us, neither leaving or forsaking us. Allegiance to God is totally putting on Christ, Who marvelously went to the cross to serve His Father's will.
Let us review the 3 ways to put on Christ:
Our spiritual needs are more of of an importance to us than our physical needs. It's not food that sustains us, but every word that proceeds out of Gods mouth.
Do not test God. Seriously, Jesus was 100% completely devoted & faithful to God. He trusted God, & didn't cave into this rebellious, faithless temptation.
Allegiance to God. We need to be 100% serving God & only God. As Luke 16:13a states, "No servant can serve two masters." Either you are with God or you're against Him.