Saturday, April 28, 2012

Rapture Dream(s)

Verse (Leader)
I pray we'll all be ready (2 times)
I pray we'll all be ready for his return
I pray that we'll get our business straight
So we can all meet at the gate
I pray we'll all be ready for his return

Two men walking by the road
One of them had a heart pure as gold
The sky was split and the pure in heart raptured away
But one of the other one left behind who did not purge his heart in time
Cried to the Lord but for him it is too late
I pray that we'll all be ready

Chorus (Choir repeats while Leader Ad lib)
I pray we'll all be ready (2 times)
I pray we'll all be ready for his return

I pray that we'll get our business straight
So we can all meet
Meet at the gate
I pray we'll all be ready for his return

Verse (Leader)
Man and wife in their bed
One of them by the spirit lead
The rapture came and took that one above
The other one rose on the next day to found their love one raptured away
Oh what a way to lose the one you love
I pray we'll all be ready

Choir repeats Chorus with Leader as Leader ad lib)

Leader (ad lib)
Everyone in the room tonight, I pray
I pray that we'll all
For his return
I pray that we'll get our business straight
So we can all meet at the gate, I

Repeat chorus (moving up)

Leader ad libs
Oh, oh, I pray
I pray that we'll all, be ready
I pray that we'll all be
For his return
I pray that we'll give our hearts a search
So that we won't be playing church
I pray we'll all
I want to be ready for his return

Verse (Leader)
Momma and children in the mall
Their momma heard the Master's call
She was swept into the by and by
It's hard to rely on your momma's prayer
When your momma is no longer there
Learn how to pray, learn how to pray
While you still have time

Leader (ad lib)
Oh, I pray
Everyone in the room tonight
I pray
How many want to be ready when he returns
I pray we'll get down on our knees
So the Lord can wash us clean
I pray we'll all be ready for his return

Leader (ad lib)
Anybody want to be ready (2 times)

No man knows the day, nor the hour (2 times)

You must be, you gotta be
You gotta be ready, you gotta be ready

I had a dream last night or several in one, depending upon how you look at it. I kept waking up in my dreams. It was as though I was dreaming in my dream. Each dream consisted of chaos. There were smoke. People were missing. When I mean missing, I mean they had disappeared literally. I tried to call my friend to see if she was around, but she wasn't. I knew that she had been raptured. I cried and layed down in one dream. I knew I had missed the rapture. I woke up, relieved. In another dream, I literally saw little dots going up in the air. It was like they were souls. I looked outside. There was total chaos. There was smoke coming from the land, which appeared to be a mountain. The news was breaking the story. I knew again that I had missed the rapture. I told my parents. I was so upset. Then, I woke up. Another dream had me asking Brad Pitt to build a shelter undergound in a home with a hidden room with it. I knew that trouble was coming. I woke up after this in my dream.

I was so relieved when I woke up for real. Yet, I knew that the Lord was sending me a message. That message is get right or else I will miss the rapture. That is definitely not something I want to miss. I don't want to be left behind. Those that are left behind will have to encounter the Anti-christ. They will have to face being put to death. It let's not even mention the the seals and bowls. It literally will be a living nightmare for those that remain on the earth.

When I woke up this morning, I quickly got dressed. I also deleted CSI: NY and stopped automatically recording them as I know that I have been lusting after one of the actors. I know, it's embarassing.  I prayed to God on my knees. ( I usually pray to Him but hardly on the knees. I'm going to have to start doing this). I'm thankful to God that it was just a dream. Yet, it was a huge wake up. Get right!

Until Tomorrow or later...Lord's Willing.
Your Sister in Christ,

For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night,
1 Thessalonians 5:2

Monday, April 16, 2012

Who We Allow To Influence Us

Psalm 1 (KJV)

 1Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
 2But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
 3And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
 4The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
 5Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
 6For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

I was reading this morning Psalm 1. I have decided to begin reading one Psalm a day to wake me up, to use as a personal devotional time in the Lord. I have also decided to try to blog about each and everyone of them, depending where the Lord leads me. Psalm 1 lead me to how we interact with others & who we allow to influence us. What I have learned & applied to myself is that, I have been allowing the wrong influences on the job & off the job. I have sought counsel from people that are not Christians. That is a problem because Psalm 1 clearly allows us to see that this is the complete opposite of what we are to do. Furthermore, 2 Corinthians 6:14a states the following: "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers." This applies in marriages but also friendships. We must, including myself, understand that the world is not our friend. Ungodly people are not our friends. They are people that are lost, that don't have positive influences, that are corrupt, and most importantly need our prayer. We need to positively influence them. We need to pray for them. We need to show them love & help them. We do not need to turn to them for advise.

Think of it like this: if you are trying to find a destination, would you seek directions from someone that does not know where that destination is or would you seek it from someone that knows where it is and how to give thorough instructions? Exactly. You would seek help and advise from someone that clearly knows the directions & is able to help you. 

We have to understand that unsaved people cannot help us, but we can help them. We can be a blessing to them. That's what we need to be. We need to be a help for them, allowing God to be the Help for them. We have to have a positive influence on them. We have to shine our lights on and off the job, in and outside the home.

Furthermore, & most importantly in all of this, is the fact that we need to know Who our ultimate Help is. The Lord is our Help. His Word is our directions. It guides us and leads us on how to act and what to do in situations. 2 Timothy 3:16 states the following: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." An example for me would be yesterday, when my brother was about to make me go off on him. I bought him a burger for him to be kind to him, but he couldn't give me an hour in the room to myself to study the Word of God. I quickly had to search a scripture to find help in my anger and wanting to go off on him. I found it in Ephesians 4:29-32. It informed me that I need not to have "corrupt communications" coming from me. In other words, I needn't say aweful, ungodly things. I was not to grieve the Holy Ghost. I needed to let go of anger, wrath, bitterness, clamour, evil speaking, and malice and be kind towards him. I was instructed to be "tenderhearted" and forgiving just like Christ has forgiven me. This Word helped me to see that having any negative reaction was ungodly. It was also unsound. Granted, I did mess up a bit when I pointed out his behavior, but it would have been worse had I allowed the anger that was starting to build up inside me go out of me and to him.  

Lessons I learned from this Psalm is: (1) don't seek advise or counsel from ungodly people (2) seek the Word of the Lord in ALL situations, meditating upon His Word (3) the righteous (born again Christians that are actually born again Christians, living how the Lord would have them to live, doing His will) shall be saved & the wicked will perish.

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing
Your Sister in Christ