Monday, January 30, 2012

Three Uplifting Days

Wow is one word that can be used to describe the three days of blessedness that I have received. The shut in (6 pm - 6 am) was much needed. Granted, I did battle my flesh & the complaining that was starting to come up. It turns out that 24 hours withou sleep is not easy. However, the shut in was so amazing! The singing was togetherness. Everyone was on one accord. I could easily imagine angels singling along side us. The reading of scripture and the praying was great.

The Lord had placed a scripture that I had wanted to read in my heart. Unfortunately, my brain did not hold it, but God is good. He had Pastor Ruff to read it which comes from 2 Chronicles 7. It's verse 14, which states, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."  We read both Chapter 7 & chapter 8, but that verse is the verse that I desired to be read. The truth is that this nation needs a lot of prayer for it. bWe are beyond wickedness, & as a consequence, we are being punished. New Jersey is trying to become another state that legalizes gay marriage. People don't care about each other neither desire to help each other. I mean the Lord had given me that the scripture the other day, which definitely applies to this country. I want this country to be healed. I want my country humbling itself & seeking after God. The shut in allowed a close nit, unified prayer. Unity is definitely what Christians need to help our country.

Not only was the shut in good, but on Satureday, when I studied my Sunday School Lesson to teach, the Lord definitely helped me, revealing thing sto me that I never really knew. For example, problems usually aren't problems, but things that come up in our lives. The problem is our response to the situation. For example, the Hebrews had been delivered by God out of the hands of the Egyptians by a marvelous miracle (Parting of the Red Sea!). Yet, they go to Marah, they find out that there is no water. Now, after the Red Sea was parted & the Pharaoh & his army was swallowed up, you think that they would have been able to see that God would be able to help them out here. Of course, he can't judge them because we have had Marah moments as well. We have a choice when we go through a situation similar to this just like they did. We could either complain & wonder why we are going through this or we can take it to God, praying and praising our way through the scenario that comes up. Many of us, unfortunately (& is why we can't judge the Hebrews) find ourselves settling in for option number one: complaining. When we complain, it's hard to thank God. Our grattitude becomes null & void, with our attitude & demeanor being filled with ungratefulness & bitterness. The problem is not the problem, but our response to it can be the problem.

Teaching Sunday School the next day was even better. The Lord had One on one time with me before the church doors opened up; He knew that I was battling fear & uneasiness. Through His scriptures that He gave me, He let me knew that He was my confidence, that I was to lean on Him for Help, and that fear was unproductive-that He did not give me a spirit of fear, but a sound mind, of power, & of love. He really worked this out for me, giving me the scriptures to lean on, which all come from Proverbs 3. Love it!  That was just the beginning. I had a peace that passed all understanding that He gave me & ensured me that I would get if I leaned on Him. It was the first time in months that I had felt comfortable teaching. I taught & learned. Our Pastor pointed out that we have Red Seas that we have to go through & that we need to trust & lean on God and go through them. Moses lead the Hebrews through the Red Sea, which I can only imagine what was going on in their minds when they found out that they had to go through it. I mean we do have these Red Seas. It was so true.

We also covered songs of praise. Our Pastor pointed out again, which I have failed to think of, that powerful devotions come from devotions full of songs talking about the attributes of God & not of ourselves. It's so true. Many Christian songs today are not emphasing Who God is or even mentioning the Name of Jesus. I'm not saying the songs are not good. I'm just saying that some of these songs center on the person & their struggles & how God helped them, but not enough on God & Who He is. The Morning Worship service was AWESOME as well!

I was so absorbed into devotions, I again, had no uneasiness while up doing devotion. I had no shame in moving or dancing or singing to my Lord. When the Word came forth, the Word came forth. The Pastor preached on three things that work against us. 1. The flesh, 2. The world. 3. Satan. We all go through changes. How we respond to them affects the situation. She gave us scripture to help us "cure" those three elements. This worked with the Sunday School Lesson. All of it went together, even the 5th Sunday Night Sing.

The 5th Sunday Night Sing was my first one & definitely not my last (Lord's willing). The singing was so beautiful; the souls all singing the songs was very uplifting. I was so moved of this. The diversity of the service also showed how Christians are One Body in Christ-gender, skin color, gifts don't separate (or are not suppose to) us. We are in One Body with Christ.

The services and the One on one time with God were definitely needed & refreshed my soul. The Lord is SO awesome. These three days were definitely needed & definitely were refreshing. Like a song by Chris Tomlin goes, My soul, my soul magnifies the Lord. Thank God for those services.

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing.

Also: The food between the waiting period after morning service and the 5th Sunday Night Sing was also great, along with the fellowship.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Season of Change

This year, I proclaim & receive that this will be my season of change. I believe this & receive this. How will the season of change look like. Well, for starters I believe & receive the following:

(1) I will move out
(2) I will lose weight
(3) I will get married & get pregnant
(4) I will get another job
(5) I will grow stronger in Christ

The list is not numbered in any particular order. They will all happen. There maybe more changes. That will be for the Lord, but I do receive & believe that this season will produce many good changes for me. I may go through some bumps & bruises along the way, but with the Lord by my side, these changes will ultimately be great for me. 

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing.

Remember: Accept the season that you are in & allow the Lord to walk you through it. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Get Over It

"Many people are driven by resentment and anger. They hold on to hurts  and never get over them. Instead of releasing their pain through forgiveness, they rehearse it over and over in their minds. Some resefntment-driven people 'clam up' and internalize their anger, whild others 'blow up' and explode it onto others. Both Responses are unhealthy and unhelpful. Resentment always hurts you more than it deos the person you resent. While your offender has probably forgotten the offense and gone on with life, you continue to stew in your pain, perpetuating the past. Listen: Those who have hurt you in the past cannot continue to hurt you now unless you hold on to the pain through resentment. Your past is past! NOthing will change it. You are only hurting yourself with your bitterness. For your own sake, learn from it, and then let it go..." from Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life (page 28)

How true these words are. You only hurt yourself by resenting others and not letting go to past hurts. It's a fact. Replaying the situation over and over again in your mind only hinders you. It hinders you, it hinders your life, it hinders your walk in Christ. If we fail to forgive others, God will not forgive us (Matthew 6:15). We have to be able to let things go. I have been recently guilty of that, but you know what. I say NO MORE to that. I resolve to let go of things. I resolve to concentrate on my relationship with the Lord & to not allow actions or things to irritate me. I resolve to GET over it!

GET over it! That is what I'm going to adopt this year. Get over it & move on. For all of those that find yourselves in this predicament, let it go. There is no offense or insult too great to not let go of.

Important Emphasis: We only hurt ourselves by holding on to past offenses!

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Resolution # 3

I resolve to turn my frown upside down-to be the best Christian I can be. I resolve to live, act, & be godly, glorifying God in the process. Life is too uncertain to let things get you down. I refuse to let any devil in hell bring me down anymore or steal my joy. I say no to him right now!

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012


W.O.T.D. (Word of The Day) = Contentment.

Content = happy with one's lot; satisfied (Webster's New World Dictionary). I saw the movie called Courageous about a week ago. This movie was good. The men made a resolution. I saw a book called The Resolution For Women & I got it. The first thing that I'm learning is to be content. A good amount of us are not satisfied with what we have. We want more, expect more. This makes us ungrateful & unappreciative of what God has done. Also, it undermines the importance of Gd being the supplier of our needs. We belittle this with this attitude. I've been so unsatisfied with my living arrangements (I'm 31 & still living with my parents) & my single status. I've shown God a lack of respect. I repent of this. I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, a bed to lay on, running water (hot & cold), food & water; I'm blessed. God has done what He has said; He has did what His Word has said. He has supplied all my needs. We have to be content & appreciative of what God has given us. I have to. New Year, New Beginning :).
New Entry > If we are content, we should be able to use the resources we have. We shouldn't complain about the lack of time the money, or energy. It's like the book emphasizes, if God approved it, He will supply you with what you need. "It appears that the best way to get more of what you need is to give away the little you think you have left-at the appropriate time and in the appropriate way. Yes, the best way to be surprisingly satisfied is to be irrationally released to respond to God's promptings to serve, even when doing so seems impossible because of your perceived lack," The Resolution For Women, Priscilla Shirer. 
I resolve today to be content in this season of my life. I will not rush it or be ungrateful, but be appreciative of the things the Lord has blessed me with. Being unsatisfied hinders my walk in Christ & my gratitude to what God has given me which by the way is NOT mediocre. I will embrace this season I am in. Paul was in Philippians 4:11 & he had endured it all: stoning, imprisonment. I thank Almighty God for everything & make it my goal not just through words but by actions as well, to appreciate everything He has given me. Thank You Lord :)
(After Work)
I'm grateful for this great day I had. I enjoyed walking at my job, being the lead. I even enjoyed taking calls. Highlight of the Day: A skunk hindered my entrance into my job. Being all stinky, was not something I desired. I waited until that skunk got out of my way & sight to make a run for it to my job. I was pounding on the side door, encouraging one of my co-workers to hurry. Boy, if it was not a sight. It was hilarious. Ugh...I do not like skunks. I do have to get rid of my fear of them. Yet, that smell they produce. I definitely don't want that. Nevertheless, I'm thanking God right here & now for this great, blessed, & peaceful day.

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing.