Saturday, January 7, 2012


W.O.T.D. (Word of The Day) = Contentment.

Content = happy with one's lot; satisfied (Webster's New World Dictionary). I saw the movie called Courageous about a week ago. This movie was good. The men made a resolution. I saw a book called The Resolution For Women & I got it. The first thing that I'm learning is to be content. A good amount of us are not satisfied with what we have. We want more, expect more. This makes us ungrateful & unappreciative of what God has done. Also, it undermines the importance of Gd being the supplier of our needs. We belittle this with this attitude. I've been so unsatisfied with my living arrangements (I'm 31 & still living with my parents) & my single status. I've shown God a lack of respect. I repent of this. I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, a bed to lay on, running water (hot & cold), food & water; I'm blessed. God has done what He has said; He has did what His Word has said. He has supplied all my needs. We have to be content & appreciative of what God has given us. I have to. New Year, New Beginning :).
New Entry > If we are content, we should be able to use the resources we have. We shouldn't complain about the lack of time the money, or energy. It's like the book emphasizes, if God approved it, He will supply you with what you need. "It appears that the best way to get more of what you need is to give away the little you think you have left-at the appropriate time and in the appropriate way. Yes, the best way to be surprisingly satisfied is to be irrationally released to respond to God's promptings to serve, even when doing so seems impossible because of your perceived lack," The Resolution For Women, Priscilla Shirer. 
I resolve today to be content in this season of my life. I will not rush it or be ungrateful, but be appreciative of the things the Lord has blessed me with. Being unsatisfied hinders my walk in Christ & my gratitude to what God has given me which by the way is NOT mediocre. I will embrace this season I am in. Paul was in Philippians 4:11 & he had endured it all: stoning, imprisonment. I thank Almighty God for everything & make it my goal not just through words but by actions as well, to appreciate everything He has given me. Thank You Lord :)
(After Work)
I'm grateful for this great day I had. I enjoyed walking at my job, being the lead. I even enjoyed taking calls. Highlight of the Day: A skunk hindered my entrance into my job. Being all stinky, was not something I desired. I waited until that skunk got out of my way & sight to make a run for it to my job. I was pounding on the side door, encouraging one of my co-workers to hurry. Boy, if it was not a sight. It was hilarious. Ugh...I do not like skunks. I do have to get rid of my fear of them. Yet, that smell they produce. I definitely don't want that. Nevertheless, I'm thanking God right here & now for this great, blessed, & peaceful day.

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing.

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