Friday, February 3, 2012

I'm No Idle Christian defines idle as the following: 1.not working or active; unemployed; doing nothing; 2:. not spent or filled with activity; 3. not in use or operation; not kept busy; 4. habitually doing nothing or avoiding work; lazy; 5. of no real worth, importance, or significance.

I'm NO IDLE CHRISTIAN. As a matter of fact no Christian should be idle. Jesus commanded us to preach & teach the Word. Yet, when a Christians sees a wrong, they do not want anything to do with it. They don't want to say that it is wrong, but let it go. The Komen G foundation is a foundation in raising money to fight cancer, & yet they fund PP. PP is short for Planned Parenthood. Yes, that is that notorious organization that provides & encourages abortions. Many people expect Christians to lend money to an organization that lends money to an organization that supports abortion. Really? Are we really to do this? Answer: No.

I was on on the news link. It showed how The Komen G Foundation was turning from what they had earlier stated. They had earlier stated that they would stop funding PP. Yet, so many people bombarded them that they caved in and went back on their word. I read a commentary. The commentary when this way:

If one works with the poor, ministering to single moms and more, one would realize abortion does not trump everything. The truth is many women need the free medical care PP provides, despite their abortions.
Saints are deluding themselves in thinking that you can vote for anyone, no matter what else they stand for, AS LONG AS THEY ARE AGAINST ABORTION, or terminating a service that serves and helps many, despite abortion.
Abortion is only stopped when women are educated, ministered to and offered help in having and caring the baby. But of course, saints hate free healthcare, don't they?

Of course, I responded to this. My job is to highlight the wrong, & try to encourage people in the Word of the Lord. This woman would have me stand by & say "Well, they provide free medical clinics, so that overrides the wrong with abortion". NO!

I will not accept anything because it has more good than bad. I will not over look something that is clearly an issue. I will not be idle. I will stand up & fight for the rights of ALL lives-not just adults but babies as well! A problem is a problem & no amount of good can erase the bad.

Christians have become lazy when it comes to tackling abortion. They have also confused ministering. We all know that God is not the author of confusion. So if they are confusing ministering there is an issue. Ministering does require us to listen, to absorb, to pay attention. It also requires us to encourage, to be supportive, but also to tell the truth. I'm not going to lie nor will I sit by idly while something that contradicts the Word of God is going on. If you want an idle Christian, I'm not your woman.

I'm a woman of God. I take my role as a Christian seriously. I don't straddle any lines, but walk the way God would have me. Of course, I make mistakes, but I repent & move on. Christians have to be concerned for other peoples' welfare. That concern should have us doing all we can for them. There is no Christian that sits down when something wrong is going on. They stand up, they speak out, & they fight the good fight.

Society leads us to believe that it is better to just let things be. Things will be better if we just shut up & look the other way. Well, Jesus is certainly not looking the other way while we look the other way. I'm sorry, but He isn't. Wrong is wrong and right is right. As a Christian, I will not & cannot be idle while the devil tries to have his way. I will stand up, I will pray, I will do what the Lord will have me to do. I will not back up!

Don't be idle Church. Stand up & fight the good fight of faith, laying claim to eternal life. Do the Will of God & not of man!

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing

1 Peter 5:8

King James Version (KJV)
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

1 Timothy 6:12

King James Version (KJV)
Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

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