Saturday, March 3, 2012

Important Question For Christians

There is a question many questions have to ask themselves: Are you willing to SACRIFICE the WORD of GOD in order to get on the good side of people? Sadly, my Brothers & Sisters in Christ, so many are doing this very thing, thinking that by gaining this person's friendship, that they are gaining their souls to Christ, but they are doing the complete opposite, including losing their own souls. Revelation 22:19 states, "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things that are written in this book." The Word says this-not me.

We have to understand that as Christians our concern is for the souls. This concern has to be open, loving, tenderhearted, kind, compassionate, and also honest to others. Notice, I underlined and highlighted honest. Somehow, people withhold the Truth. For example, we are seeing, an alarming rate I might add, that homosexuality is becoming a norm for today's generation. We see so many people proclaiming to be Christians (only God knows the heart), but embracing homosexuality and homosexual marriages. Now, I mention this because I have seen the actor Martin Sheen, a very great actor, who is a devout Catholic. He signed a letter to the President to support gay marriage (see this link for further reading on his support understand that many people claim to be Christians & many are not. I can't say because I'm not God, but what he has said contradicts the scriptures. For example, Leviticus 20:13 and Romans 1:26-32 are examples that strongly go against homosexuality. 

Now, I can't say what these people are thinking. I'm not God, but I can say that they just contradicted the Word of God. I can also say that many Christians are willing to sacrifice, to divide, to "cherry-pick" as my co-worker said, to skip the Word of God in order to please people. They want friendships with them. They want their money lining their pocketbooks. They want to be people pleasers. Galatians 1:10 addresses this: "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ." Pleasing people will cause you to lose out big time. 

Christians have to tell the Truth, the whole Truth, & nothing but the Truth. Look, I know that it is hard going out there and facing rejection. We still are in the flesh, & rejection still hurts, but look at it like this: would you rather hear Jesus tell you depart me from me for I never knew you or hear man call you a name (homophobic, bigot, hater, etc..they get creative in the insult department), hell or heaven, applause of men or the applause of the angels? You have to weigh this. What is more important to you? Is Christ important or are people's opinions more important? 

I encourage each and everyone of my Brothers & Sisters in Christ to examine yourself in this area. Ask yourself this question. Let it guide you in checking yourself. Lord knows, I have to & will. The Lord gave me this thought. So, I have to ponder it just as well as you. 

To God Be the Glory,
Until Next Time...Lord's Willing
Your Sister in Christ,

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