Thursday, July 26, 2012


Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy has took a not so popular stance. He supports traditional marriage. He has been under attack for his beliefs. The devil is working over time. We the Christians must stand up and stand firm in our opposition to gay marriage.

I'm not surprised that many people are going after him. These are the same group that went after Bristol Palin's son who may have or not have used the f word that is offensive to homosexuals. How low has society gotten? Not as low as it can and will get.

We are living in the end times. Satan is pressing his way into homes, into schools, into movie theatres, and into churches. He does not care who he hurts. He has come to steal, kill, & destroy (John 10:10). We must understand that we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). We must put on the whole armour of God so that we will be able to stand in the evil day (Ephesians 6:13). The Word of God is not joking about this.

I find myself getting very angry with those that are attacking Christians. I feel the hypocrisies that comes out of them, the hatred that comes out of them. Yet, I cannot help it but love and pray for them and myself. Because truly, this mess wracks my nerves. The irriatation level has risen up and my anger is coming forth. I can't be angry with them but with my real enemy Satan: the liar, the killer, the destroyer, the author of lies, the prince of darkness, the serpent...Must I really go on.

The point church is that we must stand firm in our Christian values and standards. We must hold on to the Word of God. We must hold out, fighting the good fight of faith and laying hold to eternal life. Let us not fear anyone nor worry about what others think. When they attack us, we must look at it with joy because Jesus was attacked. He was persecuted. He was hated. As we are the Body of Christ, He is still being attacked, He is still being persecuted, and is still being hated. This is just temporary but eternity with Jesus is permanent.


Until Next Time...Lord's Willing
Your Sister in Christ,

Next time, I will discuss why homosexuality is wrong. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

So Many Congratulations So Few Recognizing God

My friend Lynette is having a baby. She found out that she is having another girl. How awesome is that! Being the devout Catholic that she is, she not only announced the news, but she ended it with this "God is good :)". She recognized and gave credit to the One Who blessed her womb. Yet, I see so many comments telling her congratulations. Yet, there is not one recognition, besides my comment, that backs up that comment. The congratulations are great, but what is better is giving praise and glory to God for this awesome blessing He has bestowed upon them.

This is not the first nor will it be the last time that people will not acknowledge how good God is. They will immediately congratulate and leave it at that. It's a dog gone shame that people will not recognize how great God is. They don't acknowledge this. It's sad. It states so much about this nation. The congratualions are quick to come in and slow are the people (if they do) to give recognition to God.

This nation needs prayer. I believe James 5:16b, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." This nation, this world, the people need prayer.

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing
Your Sister in Christ,

Monday, July 23, 2012

Inspiring Word of God

I love reading Acts. I feel that so much has came from it. The Lord has truly blessed me with the reading of His Word. So far, I have learned that the chuch needs to have joy and compassion, be on one accord with one another. I have learned that we have to be full of faith and of the Holy Spirit. I have also learned that persecution is going to get worse, especially for us Americans, who have yet to see what others have seen around the world. Yet, the Lord revealed to me on Sunday, how many Christians were facing death and being violently treated, and yet, they are continuing to sing and praise God. How awesome is that! Most of us have yet to experience this and yet, Sunday after Sunday, I feel like church has a slow start-that many coming in are just dead weights. I hate to be so blunt about it, but the truth is the truth.

How is it that when there is least persecution we can't muster up a smile, be compassionate, or shout to the Lord? How is it that those that are facing worse situations that we are not only willing to but are praising Him? What does this say about us?

1)It says that we Christians that have it good are ungrateful. There is absolutely no gratitude. How can we not be grateful? Shaking my head.

2)It says that we are not thankful. If you can't get off your behind and jump for joy, singing and praising God, there is an issue. God has given us so much and yet we have given Him so little in return. What is up with this church?! The spoiled nations see what goes on in the other parts of the world. You would think there would be some thanks there...yeah :(

3)Christians are not doing what they are suppose to be doing to fight the good fight. Christians have become very lazy and selfish. It's an ugly fact but a fact none the less.

The list goes on and on. It's not a list that I'm proud of but one of which I'm ashamed. I have been guilty of these things. I can't lie, but I will not stay like this. The Lord has truely blessed me. All He asks of me is to be a hearer and a doer, to respect Him, to obey Him, to do His Will that He has for me. He is not asking anything of me that He has not asked of others. We Christians must remember that. If we have the resources, if He tells us to do it, than do it. Don't ask Him questions just do it.

Wow! that quickly changed from where I was going, but the Lord placed this within me and I will not ignore it. We need to be revived big time. We need to come back after the Lord, to remember our first love (Jesus).  Let's not die out Christians, but press on and be renewed by the Lord.

Until Next TIme...Lord's Willing
A Concerned Sister in Christ,

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Full of Faith and Full of the Holy Spirit

I have just read Acts chapter 7. Stephen is an incredible person. He was chosen to help with the distribution of food. He was full of Faith and Full of the Holy Ghost. This man had done "great wonders and miracles among the people" (Acts 6:7). He was also the first martyr. The leaders couldn't argue with him and win. So they lied and arrested him (Acts 6). In Acts 7, we don't see him defending himself. Rather, he boldly calls them out. He makes it known that just like their ancestors, they were resisting the Holy Ghost as their ancestors did. Just like their ancestors they were persecuting others. They had betrayed and murdered Jesus. Stephen didn't have to defend himself. He fully let them know the wrong they did. They stoned him.

I have to say that I had never really went deep or studied Stephen before, but I did after this. He was able to do miracles, wonders, and call the people out because He was full of faith and of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost empowered him. We need to be like him. We need to be full of faith and of the Holy Ghost. Faith enables us  to persevere in this walk. It enables us to know and believe the Word of God. You can't be empowered by the Holy Ghost and have no faith. We must be full of faith and of the Holy Ghost.

Despite what we go through, we must maintain our faith and seek the Holy Ghost. We must have full faith and the Holy Ghost. Stephen did. Even when they were stoning him, he prayed for them. A person without faith, without the Holy Ghost couldn't do that nor would they.

Remember Saints our faith and empowerment matters in order to continue fighting the good fight, to preach the Gospel, to teach the Gospel, and to be emboldened despite the persecution we face. Be full of faith and of the Holy Ghost.

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing
Your Sister in Christ

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

When Things Come About

From the past blogs, I have been reading Acts. I've just finished reading chapter 4. Every chapter has shown me some new insight. The Holy Spirit has shown me how the early Christians, the newbies (as I like to call them), behaved towards one another. Acts 4:32 shows how they were of one heart and of one soul. It goes on to show how none claimed anything as his own but shared and how they helped one another out by selling their possessions to get money, which they distributed to others depending on their needs. So, we see how great they were at being one with each other and helping one another. But the one thing that I want to focus on ins this chapter is how we handle a crisis.

Peter and John were arrested and threatened. Rather than listen & succomb to the threats, they testified of what had happened. They refused to not talk about what they had seen or heard. They were emboldened by the Holy Spirit. When they went back, they testified of what they had experienced with the threats. They all prayed on one accord, praising God, telling Him of the issue, and asking for His help. He answered. After they had prayed, the place was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. They spoke the Word of God with boldness.

How many of us pray about our problems? How many of us testified about the things that come up? How many of us praise God and ask Him for help? When things come about whether they be good or bad, we should always testify about them and be on one accord with each other while praising God, while telling Him about the issue, and while asking Him for His help. As we see what happened with them, God answers prayers.

Our response should match our faith. If we have strong faith we should be able to testify about the things we go through. We should all be on one accord. We should all pray to God, praising Him, & telling Him about the situation and asking for His help. There is no need to run, no need to hide, and certainly no need to worry about the situation when God is more than capable of handling our situations. Praise God! Glory to Him!

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing
Your Sister in Christ,

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Stop Acting Ignorant!

Peter, in Acts Chapter 3 verse 14, made it clear that the people had participated in the crucifying of Jesus through ignorance. They were ignorant of what they had done. Having said that, the prophets had spoken about what would be. In verse 19 Peter states, "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord." It was time for them to stop being ignorant. It was time for them to repent, to be converted. Just like there will be a time for us to stop being ignorant. That time is now. Now is the time to be converted, to repent.

People can't play the ignorant card anymore. Many people have heard the Word, and instead of choosing the light, being lovers of their sin (darkness), they stay in the dark. They stay in their sin. That is where the condemnation comes from (John 3:19). It's not that people don't know. It's that people know and would rather keep sinning then to pursue the relationship with Jesus. They love their sins more than they do God. And in the end, they can't claim ignorance for they already knew.

People, it's time to stop acting ignorant! Many know but do no better. None of us are ignorant. We either know and accept the Word or we know and continue to pursue our sins to hell. 

Granted, there are some areas that have yet to receive the Word, but you can know this, those areas will be covered. God's Word will get from here to the End of the Earth. People will hear the Truth. They will hear the Word. None will ever be able to proclaim ignorance. Now is the time people to accept the Truth, to embrace the Word. Jesus will come back one day. Do you really want to wait until the Rapture? Are you willing to go through the tribulation because of your sins? Worse, are your sins really worth going to hell for? 

These questions and this lesson comes from love. I love all and pray that people receive the Word. No one will be blameless on that coming day of the Lord. All will accept responsibility for what they choose. Now is the time to come to Jesus and pursue that relationship that He so desires for you. NOW is the time to STOP ACTING IGNORANT!

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing
Your Sister in Christ,

Monday, July 9, 2012

What Happened To The Church?

I'm reading Acts as part of my Bible Study with my church. It's amazing what I have seen in the first two chapters. I saw the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Peter emboldened by the Holy Spirit, souls being saved, and a body that worked together, that helped each other, that gave, gladly. They took care of each other. They ate with each other & they were happy. Reading this, it led me to ponder what happened to the church?

This question is with love & sincerity. We have friction in the church. We have a divisive church. People will not associate with the other churches because of denominations. Let's not mention that asking others to give in order to help others is like pulling candy from a child. You know that child will end up kicking and screaming. The church has to become more responsive, more compassionate, more helpful, more Jesus oriented instead of "Self-Oriented." Many of you know what I'm talking about. Walking into a church these days and listening is not as what it should be. Many leaders are not preaching by the Holy Spirit. Their preaching of self. They are not seeking prosperity of souls but prosperity of finances & materials.

With all of this said, what happened to the church? When I mean the church I mean the body of Christ. We have to do better. We have to pray. We have to fast. We have to get back to our first love of Jesus Christ. We have to put the Lord's interests ahead of our own. It's not about us. It's about Him. We must come together as One body, united together under One God, One Son, & One Holy Spirit. It's called unification. It's time we unite to do the work of the Lord. It's time to get back where we began and sincerely, gladly help each other, help others, and seek to get souls saved. Let's put aside our wants & needs & embrace what the Lord's wants & needs are for us.

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing
Your Sister in Christ,

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I'm Not Giving Up On God or His Will For Me

     I know that I have said this before but I'm gonna say it again. The past few months I have been going through some things. Things that have distracted me from seeking the Lord, from reading His Word, from wanting to do His will. I say no more to that. Time is drawing near. Now is the time to prosper in the Lord, doing His Will. The Lord has called many but few are chosen. I don't know about many of you, but I want to be in that Number. I want to do the Lord's work. That's why I'm saying this right now: I REFUSE to give up on God. I REFUSE to neglect my gift & turn the other way. I REFUSE to be overcome by the world. I REFUSE ALL distractions in the Name of Jesus!

     The devil is working overtime to distract us, to persuade us, to change us. We are not to give in. We are to do the Will of the Lord, using the gift He has given us. James 4:7-8 states the following: "(7)Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (8)Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded." You can't resist the devil if you are not submitting yourself to the Lord. You have to draw near to God and He will draw near to us. We have to have ourselves cleansed and purified. NO MORE double mindedness. 

     James 1:8 states this about a double minded person: "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. If you are unstable, if you are wavering, you are still in the double minded mode, meaning that you believe in God, but that you have not made up your mind to give up the materialistic or ungodly things of your life. You have to choose. Is it God or is it the world? Make up your mind. I made up my mind to follow the Lord, to not give up on Him or His Word, and to not neglect the gift that He gave me (1 Timothy 4:14).

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing
Your Sister in Christ,

Monday, July 2, 2012

Stop Keeping an Eye on the Clock & Go Witness

"(6)When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? (7)And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. (8)But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth," Acts 1:6-8)

I find myself guilty of the one thing that many of us Christians are guilty of: focusing on when Jesus is coming back instead of getting out and being a witness about Him. His disciples wanted to know if He at this time would restore the kingdom to Israel? He informed them that it was not for them to know the times or seasons. They would receive power by the Holy Ghost and they would be witnesses for Him in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, and to the end parts of the earth. They were not to be consumed by the time or the hour of when He would restore the kingdom. Rather, they were to focus on being witnesses about Him.

The message today, my Brothers & Sisters in Christ is this: Stop Keeping an Eye on the Clock & Go Witness. Jesus made it clear to them that they were to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8; Luke 24:48). I love Mark 16:15. He commanded them to "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Matthew 28:19-20, "(20)Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: (20)teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." How are we to teach or preach to them if we are too consumed by waiting for the Lord to return. It is not the job of a Christian to wait, being consumed of when He will return, but rather to ensure that many are prepared for the coming of the Lord through our witnessing.

Saints, lets get out there and inform people. Let us shine our lights before men so that they can see and glorify the Lord. Let us be the witnesses that the Lord called each & everyone of us to be. Let us not think about ourselves or the hour, but rather do what the Lord has commanded each & everyone of us.

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing
Your Sister in Christ,

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Heavy Heart

People aren't going to always like you nor your stance on issues such as abortion or gay marriage. As a matter of fact, Christians will have to endure name calling, bullying, and other forms of persecution such as being killed for our beliefs. John 15:18 states, "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you." The world is going to hate us and does hate us. It hates Jesus. Everyday we see this in how people behave, how they mock Christians, and how they treat others in the Christian faith. It's not fun. 

My heart is heavy because the people I love can't see to understand what the Word says as oppose to what the world says. I was just defriended from Facebook because I oppose gay marriage. Apparently, he felt that the link that shows that we are standing together against gay marriage, is a form of discrimination and hatred. He also let me know that he wanted nothing more to do with me. It hurts but the fact of the matter is that I know that the Word supports me on this. I know that the Word is with me. 

Having stated this, I'm sad for this young man because I love him as we Christians are suppose to love others. I want the best for him and his soul. It pained me to read his words, but the fact of the matter is that his stance on gay marriage is wrong. I'm sad about it.

More prayers are needed for the lost. More prayers are needed for them to open their eyes up, to be receptive of the Word. We need a world wide revival! 

Dear brothers and sisters let us fight the good fight of faith. Let us stand behind the Word all the way despite opposition and the hurtful things that are said. Remember this, who are we to please people or God? Who do we stand with: the world or God? We stand with God. We seek to please Him.

Remember, when the times get rough, just pray about it & let the Lord work it out. Place all things in His hands.

Yes, I'm still sad for this old classmate, but I will pray for him, still loving him.

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing
Your Sister in Christ