Monday, July 23, 2012

Inspiring Word of God

I love reading Acts. I feel that so much has came from it. The Lord has truly blessed me with the reading of His Word. So far, I have learned that the chuch needs to have joy and compassion, be on one accord with one another. I have learned that we have to be full of faith and of the Holy Spirit. I have also learned that persecution is going to get worse, especially for us Americans, who have yet to see what others have seen around the world. Yet, the Lord revealed to me on Sunday, how many Christians were facing death and being violently treated, and yet, they are continuing to sing and praise God. How awesome is that! Most of us have yet to experience this and yet, Sunday after Sunday, I feel like church has a slow start-that many coming in are just dead weights. I hate to be so blunt about it, but the truth is the truth.

How is it that when there is least persecution we can't muster up a smile, be compassionate, or shout to the Lord? How is it that those that are facing worse situations that we are not only willing to but are praising Him? What does this say about us?

1)It says that we Christians that have it good are ungrateful. There is absolutely no gratitude. How can we not be grateful? Shaking my head.

2)It says that we are not thankful. If you can't get off your behind and jump for joy, singing and praising God, there is an issue. God has given us so much and yet we have given Him so little in return. What is up with this church?! The spoiled nations see what goes on in the other parts of the world. You would think there would be some thanks there...yeah :(

3)Christians are not doing what they are suppose to be doing to fight the good fight. Christians have become very lazy and selfish. It's an ugly fact but a fact none the less.

The list goes on and on. It's not a list that I'm proud of but one of which I'm ashamed. I have been guilty of these things. I can't lie, but I will not stay like this. The Lord has truely blessed me. All He asks of me is to be a hearer and a doer, to respect Him, to obey Him, to do His Will that He has for me. He is not asking anything of me that He has not asked of others. We Christians must remember that. If we have the resources, if He tells us to do it, than do it. Don't ask Him questions just do it.

Wow! that quickly changed from where I was going, but the Lord placed this within me and I will not ignore it. We need to be revived big time. We need to come back after the Lord, to remember our first love (Jesus).  Let's not die out Christians, but press on and be renewed by the Lord.

Until Next TIme...Lord's Willing
A Concerned Sister in Christ,

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