Wednesday, July 11, 2012

When Things Come About

From the past blogs, I have been reading Acts. I've just finished reading chapter 4. Every chapter has shown me some new insight. The Holy Spirit has shown me how the early Christians, the newbies (as I like to call them), behaved towards one another. Acts 4:32 shows how they were of one heart and of one soul. It goes on to show how none claimed anything as his own but shared and how they helped one another out by selling their possessions to get money, which they distributed to others depending on their needs. So, we see how great they were at being one with each other and helping one another. But the one thing that I want to focus on ins this chapter is how we handle a crisis.

Peter and John were arrested and threatened. Rather than listen & succomb to the threats, they testified of what had happened. They refused to not talk about what they had seen or heard. They were emboldened by the Holy Spirit. When they went back, they testified of what they had experienced with the threats. They all prayed on one accord, praising God, telling Him of the issue, and asking for His help. He answered. After they had prayed, the place was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. They spoke the Word of God with boldness.

How many of us pray about our problems? How many of us testified about the things that come up? How many of us praise God and ask Him for help? When things come about whether they be good or bad, we should always testify about them and be on one accord with each other while praising God, while telling Him about the issue, and while asking Him for His help. As we see what happened with them, God answers prayers.

Our response should match our faith. If we have strong faith we should be able to testify about the things we go through. We should all be on one accord. We should all pray to God, praising Him, & telling Him about the situation and asking for His help. There is no need to run, no need to hide, and certainly no need to worry about the situation when God is more than capable of handling our situations. Praise God! Glory to Him!

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing
Your Sister in Christ,

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