Sunday, December 25, 2011

Do You Have a Man in Your Life?

I was asked this question the other night by a former co-worker. He was asking about a boyfriend or a husband of course. The answer to that would have been no. However, I do have a Man in my life that is better than any boyfriend or husband. His Name is Jesus. So, I told him that I did have a Man in my life. This Man is far better than any other.

I started thinking about this question a few minutes ago. The fact of the matter is that I'm grateful that I have Jesus. I don't need a boyfriend or a husband (although a husband is preferred). All I need is Jesus. He is the Great Love of my life. He is the One that will never leave me or forsake me. He does not pick on me for being overweight or nit pick on my height or hair color. He does not complain about the horrible decisions that I make but gently pulls me back with Him. He cares about me and wants the best out of me. It's amazing how we as society get so silly about getting married. Many women hear or say to themselves this My biological clock is ticking or I'm going on 30; it's time to get married. When the fact of the matter is that they need to be focused on the other area of their life-the other Man that matters. His Name is Jesus.

I can guarantee any woman that Jesus is the best Man that anyone can attach themselves to. He is the ultimate Picker Upper in time of sorrow or depression or anger. He is the ultimate Lover of us. He cares if we fail or succeed. He gladly listens to us and how our day has went. Never does He roll His eyes thinking Not this again. Instead, He desires to hear from us. He desires to know how our day has went. I'm so grateful for Him.

So yes Mr. Ex Co-worker, I do have a Man in my life. His Name is Jesus. He is the Great Love of my life. Is He yours?

Until Next Time...Lord's Willing.

By the way, Merry Christmas/Feliz Navidad!

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